วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556
VOA (Voice of America) 12
/əsəʊsɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n, -ʃɪ-/
กลุ่ม, สมาคม
a group of people organized for a joint purpose
Example : My association with him did not last long.
take into one’s possession or control by force
Example : We captured cicadas with a net.
relating to cognition
Example : The scores are low because the task is cognitively demanding.
the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context
Example : This book deals with psychology.
a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place
Example : With this system a protection circuit has been built in.
repeated frequently in the same way; regularly
Example : Mr Morikawa's continually complaining about something.
โรคจิตเสื่อม (มีผลต่อความสามารถในการคิด, การจำ, การประพฤติ)
a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.
/ɪgˈzɛkjʊtɪv, ɛg-/
relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect
Example : The executive director is a real pushover for looks.
Learning log (outside) 12
Learning log 12
How To Learn English Very Fast
How do you learn English very fast?
Every week, I get emails about this topic. Typically, someone writes and wants to know how they can speak fluently in only 2 or 3 months. Usually they are in a hurry because they have a test or an interview coming soon.
Of course, its best not to wait until 2 months before your interview to think about this! 

But still, its an interesting question. Is it possible to learn English very very fast? Is it possible to make massive improvements in only 2-3 months?
The answer is yes.
But of course, to make massive improvements requires massive intensity and effort.
1. Obsession
The first and most important thing you need to achieve this goal is incredible passion. You must have tremendous emotional power to learn super-fast. Why? Because you must study English 8-14 hours a day… and every hour you must be alert, interested, and energetic.
2. Massive Input
The second key to super-fast learning and incredible intensity is to focus on English INPUT. Do not waste time studying grammar or vocabulary. Don’t waste time trying to speak.
You should spend all of your time either listening or reading. This is the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently.
3. Massive Intensity
To be fluent in only 2-3 months, you must create massive intensity. In other words, you have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly.
In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities. Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour. Then listen again for an hour. Then another hour of novel reading.
วันจันทร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556
VOA (Voice of America) 11
การแย้ง, การโต้เถียง
an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one
Example :Your argument came across well.
ต้องการ, ประสงค์, ปรารถนา
need for a particular purpose
Example : This plan requires secrecy.
โดยพื้นฐาน, อย่างสำคัญ, อย่างจำเป็นอย่างยิ่ง
used to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic nature of a person or thing
Example : It is essentially a question of time.
/ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃʊəl, -tjʊəl/
ทางสติปัญญา, เกี่ยวกับความคิดและการใช้เหตุผล
relating to the intellect
Example : Everyone has his intellectual desire.
make (someone or something) more sophisticated
Example : He looks quite sophisticated for his age.
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques
Example : But it's the rhetoric of failure.
หลักประกัน, สิ่งประกัน, ใบสัญญา, ใบรับรอง
a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality:
Example :This TV set has a two years guarantee.
Learning log (outside) 11
Learning log 11
10 ways to improve your writing skills-quickly
To help you become the best writer you can be, here are 10 techniques to improve your writing skills.
1. Keep a journal.
Believe it or not, writing in a journal can help you improve your writing skills. It can also help you discover new story ideas that could be developed into the next best-seller.
When you write in your journal, don't censor your words. Allow them to flow freely.
2. Participate in writing prompts.
Writer's Digest, Creative Copy Challenge, and other writing resources provide writing exercises and prompts. These are good ways to improve your writing and to test story ideas.
3. Rewrite your blog posts.
If you have a blog, go back a couple of years and find a few blog posts to rewrite and repurpose. You may be surprised how much your writing has improved over time.
4. Rewrite newspaper and magazine articles.
Choose your favorite newspaper or magazine, and rewrite a couple of the articles. Challenge yourself to write a stronger headline and copy.
5. Activate Google alerts.
Setup a Google Alert for writing, writing skills, book writing, and other alerts, and follow the latest stories. Read what other writers are doing to improve their writing skills.
6. Read beyond what you normally read.
If you have a hankering for fantasy, sci-fi, romance, memoirs, YA, NA, middle grade, self-help, or whatever tickles your writer's fancy, get out of your comfort zone and read something different. Stretch your mind, and you'll stretch your writing skills.
7. Comment on your favorite blog posts.
Challenge yourself to write in-depth comments instead of the familiar, "Great post!" or, "Thanks for sharing this brilliant information." Such vapid comments do not add to the conversation, nor do they improve your writing skills. Here's a tip: If you want to get noticed by the blog owner and taken seriously, write a decent comment.
8. Join a writer's group.
Don't be shy about sharing your writing. One of the greatest ways to improve your writing is to join a writer's group in which you'll receive valuable feedback such as how to strengthen introductions, how to develop characters, how to write stronger scenes, and more. Please note: You may have to try out a few groups before you find any that work for you.
9. Attend a writer's conference or workshop.
When I lived in Chandler, Ariz., I was blessed to have found Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe. The owners schedule writing workshops throughout the year. Not only did I meet fellow aspiring authors, I met published authors who would share writing tips and tricks such as the importance of using an outline, whether you write fiction or nonfiction.
10. Write.
You must write to improve your writing skills. Try to write at least 1,000 words each day or every other day. When you think you've finished writing, write some more. When you think you've reallyfinished writing, keep writing.
To improve your writing, you need to write five days a week, 50 weeks per year, if not more. Writing requires dedication and time. If you're serious about being a published author, you need to write and write and write.
วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556
Learning log (inside) 10
Today is the first time for teach test.
The first lesson plan teacher wants everybody to teach test is local lesson
plan. In this day my friends teach test 5 people.
First person is Kantamas Luklem. She
teaches about local food. She uses
Second person is Kanitta Meedee. She teaches
about occupations in my
Third person is Patsaraporn Songprasert.
She teaches about attractions.
Forth person is me I teach about direction.
I’ve known about evaluation,
and I should to develop myself more.
The last person is Pornwarion
Baubanjong. She teaches about local food,
the first time to teach test, from 6 people pass 5 people and fail 1 person. Teacher tells
who fail can test again one more time. When student teach finish teacher
comment one by one. I think it’s good for students to teach next lesson because
they can develop themselves too much. So, for the next time it make me to have
a good idea to do next lesson plan.
VOA (Voice of America) 10
การแย้ง, การโต้เถียง
an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one
Example :Your argument came across well.
ต้องการ, ประสงค์, ปรารถนา
need for a particular purpose
Example : This plan requires secrecy.
โดยพื้นฐาน, อย่างสำคัญ, อย่างจำเป็นอย่างยิ่ง
used to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic nature of a person or thing
Example : It is essentially a question of time.
/ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃʊəl, -tjʊəl/
ทางสติปัญญา, เกี่ยวกับความคิดและการใช้เหตุผล
relating to the intellect
Example : Everyone has his intellectual desire.
make (someone or something) more sophisticated
Example : He looks quite sophisticated for his age.
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques
Example : But it's the rhetoric of failure.
หลักประกัน, สิ่งประกัน, ใบสัญญา, ใบรับรอง
a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality:
Example :This TV set has a two years guarantee.
Learning log (outside) 10
Learning log 10
How to Hear English Everywhere
Two simple definitions
- to hear: to receive sound with the ears
- to listen: to try to hear
You are very good at languages. That's obvious, because you already speak one language very well - your own! And if you can learn and speak one language well, then you can certainly learn and speak one or more other languages.
But did you ever ask yourself: "How did I learn my own language?" In fact, you never really "learned" it at all - you just started speaking it. One day, when you were about two or three years old, you started speaking your language. A few words at first, not full sentences. But you spoke. And very soon you made progress without even thinking about it. It was like magic!
But it wasn't magic. It was the result of hearing. For two to three years before you spoke, you heard people speaking your language all day, and maybe all night. You heard people speaking your language. Maybe you listened to people, but more importantly you heard. them. Then, as if by magic, you started to speak. All that hearing was necessary for you to start speaking. For two to three years words went IN to your head. Then words came OUT of your head! That is why hearing (and listening to) English as much as possible is so important to you now. The more English you put in, the more you'll get out!
So how can you hear a lot of English when you're not in an English-speaking country or family? Fortunately, there are many ways of hearing English in almost all countries of the world.
You can receive English language radio in most countries. Two of the best international networks are the BBC World Service and Voice of America. Both of them have special programmes for learners of English. You can find information about times and frequencies for your country on their web sites.
TV is an excellent resource for hearing and listening to English. The pictures help you understand what is being said. If you don't have access to English-language TV, you may be able to watch TV on Internet.
It is now a lot easier to hear English by Internet. If you're reading this at your computer, you can probably listen to some English-language radio news right now, without even moving! To be able to listen to radio on the Internet, you'll need to have special software called a "player" installed in your computer. Most sites work with two players - the RealPlayer from RealNetworks and the Windows Media Player from Microsoft. Don't worry. Both these players are free and you may already have them installed on your computer.
Try to make friends with English-speaking people so that you can practise your English through conversation. Of course, this will practise your speaking as well as your listening. And if you don't have a lot of time to go out and meet people, at least you can chat a little by telephone.
Finally, don't worry if you don't understand everything you hear. Hearing comes first! Understanding comes next!
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